Friday, July 21, 2006

The Return of Awesomeness

*peaking out from behind the corner...cautiously steps out...clears throat...*



After much time off, I have returned to the essense of awesomeness.
I would like to clarify immediately that in my absense, my awesomeness never my friends, I was loyal to the end. I suppose we haven't really reached the end yet...but I WILL be loyal to the end. That's cause I'm a loyal person. Especially when it comes to awesomeness.

The reason for my absense...well, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I am back. And ready to resume full awesomeness duties.

I'm in fact being awesome right now...I'm at work, and have been all day actually, but have accomplished very little, if not nothing at all. I would deem this as awesome. Who could pull this off as flawlessly as I? It is a skill that I have gradually sharpened over this past year and half.

Now tell me if this is awesomeness worthy, cause I don't know; I'm quitting my job. Although this will be great by saving me a huge commute every day and giving me a lot more spare time, I figure I will essentially be doing the same thing at home that I did at work (blogging and msn), except I won't be paid for it. Which is SO not awesome. Unless I can get my other blog to start making me money. Apparently people actually go to it...who woulda thunk it??

I just stared blankly at the screen for the last hour or two...I think that's a good sign that I lost my train of's ALSO five o'clock and it's time for after work drinks, yay! (After work drinks = awesome)

"'Sorry about your alleged embezzlement' THERE'S a card hallmark hasn't thought up yet!!"