Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This Is The Worst Day Of My Life

They've taken it. They've taken everything away. What is there left to go on for??? Oh, the humanity!!! msn has blocked...that is to say firewalled...msn and hotmail. *bursts into tears* It happened msn wasn't working when I was talking to you Euan, and I signed out and couldn't sign back in. Then I noticed I couldn't check my hotmail account either...a big, huge, heartbreaking sign comes up: "this site has been blocked by sonic wall". Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

What will I do with myself at work? *Is revolted at the idea of actually DOING work* I mean...I will be so bored...I will go msn OR hotmail??!? Why don't you just chop my arms and legs off??

My one saving grace is they have not blocked out the internet alltogether...I can still go on here and dink around. (haha, suckers). I'm looking into methods of bypassing firewalls and other options...I'll let you know if anything comes up. In the meantime, if anybody has any suggestions please leave them as comments. appears these blogs may be our only form of communication during the day.

Another idea I had is using yahoo messenger which I think would work...what do you guys think? Could you sign up? For me?? *batts eyelashes*

It's true you don't know what you got till it's gone...people, don't take your msn for granted like I never know when you could wake up one day and exists no more. Or you can't get to it. You know. Either/or.

I love you all...I will miss you all...goodbye... *dramatic exit*

*pops back in:* You guys know this means you better send me lots of emails to compensate for lack of chat...not that I can CHECK them till I get home or anything...pft.

*resumes dramatic exit*

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